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Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)
Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)
Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)
Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)
Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)
Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)
Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)
Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)

Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC)

Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC) ke non-ionic methyl cellulose ether e tsejoang ka ho qhibiliha ha eona ho ikhethang metsing a chesang le a batang. Thepa ea eona e nang le mefuta e mengata, e kenyelletsang ho tenya, ho emisa, ho qhalakanya, ho kopanya, ho etsa emulsifying, ho etsa lifilimi le ho boloka metsi, e etsa hore e sebelisoe haholo. Ha li bapisoa le li-cellulose ethers tse ling, li-derivatives tsa MHEC li bontša mokhoa o fokolang oa ho phalla oa Newtonian 'me li fana ka viscosity e batlang e le holimo.

Se khethollang MHEC ho Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose (HPMC) ke ho boloka metsi ho phahameng, ho tsitsa ha viscosity, ho hanyetsa hlobo, le ho senyeha ho hoholo ha eona. MHEC e sebetsa hantle ka ho thibela ho putlama ha thepa kapa ho thella nakong ea ts'ebeliso, ka lebaka la litlamorao tsa eona tse matlafalitsoeng tsa anti-sagging. E boetse e fana ka nako e telele e bulehileng, e lumellang hore ho be le phetoho e kholoanyane ea ho sebetsa le liphetoho. Ho phaella moo, MHEC e bontša matla a pele a pele 'me e sebetsa hantle tlas'a maemo a phahameng a mocheso. Ho kopanya ha eona habonolo le bonolo ba ts'ebetso ha e kenyellelitsoe ho seretse sa motsoako o omileng o tsamaisa ts'ebetso ea kopo ka kakaretso.

MHEC e hlaha e le sehlahisoa sa bohlokoa sa selulose, se fanang ka ts'ebetso e ikhethang le boiketlo ba ts'ebeliso ho lits'ebetso tse fapaneng, haholoholo ka har'a seretse se omileng. Lintho tsa eona tse hlokomelehang, tse kenyelletsang ho boloka metsi, botsitso ba viscosity, litlamorao tse khahlanong le ho sisinyeha, le matla a pele a pele, li kenya letsoho ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso e ntlafalitsoeng ea kaho le liindasteri tse ling.

    Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose e sebelisetsoa eng?


    Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC) ke cellulose ether e atisang ho sebelisoa liindasteri tse sa tšoaneng bakeng sa thepa ea eona e ikhethang. Mona ke tse ling tsa ts'ebeliso e tloaelehileng ea Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose:

    Lintho tse akaretsang tsa MHEC ke life?


    Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC) e na le sete ea thepa e akaretsang e e etsang hore e be ether ea cellulose e feto-fetohang le ea bohlokoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng. Lintlha tse akaretsang tsa MHEC ke tsena:

    Lintho tse tloaelehileng



    Phofo e tšoeu ho isa ho e tšoeu

    Boholo ba likaroloana

    98% ho isa ho 100 mesh

    Mongobo (%)


    PH boleng


    Lintho tse tloaelehileng

    Kereiti e tloaelehileng

    Viscosity (NDJ, mPa.s, 2%)

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX960M


    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9100M


    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9150M


    MHEC MX9200M


    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX960MS


    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9100MS


    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9150MS


    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9200MS





    Khothalletsa sehlopha

    Seretse sa ka ntle sa lebota
    Seretse sa samente sa samente
    Boiketsi ba ho iteka
    Dry-mix seretse

    Ho teteana
    Ho theha le ho folisa
    Ho tlama metsi, ho khomarela
    Liehisa nako e bulehileng, e phalla hantle
    E teteaneng, e tlamang metsi

    MHEC MX9200M

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9150M

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9100M

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX960M

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX940M

    Likhomaretsi tsa Wallpaper
    li-adhesive tsa latex
    Likhomaretsi tsa plywood

    Kotsi le lubricity
    Ho tiisa le ho tlama metsi
    Thickening le solids ho boloka

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9100M

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX960M


    Ho teteana

    Tlhaloso: MHEC MX9150MS

    Hobaneng u khetha kaimaoxing MHEC?


    Ho khetha Kaimaoxing Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC) e ka ba qeto ea leano e thehiloeng linthong tse 'maloa tseo k'hamphani e tsejoang ka tsona. Mona ke mabaka a mang ao u ka nahanang ho khetha Kaimaoxing MHEC: