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Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC): Basic Properties and Uses


Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) is a versatile and widely used cellulose derivative with diverse applications across industries. Derived from natural cellulose fibers, CMC undergoes chemical modification to introduce carboxymethyl groups onto the cellulose backbone, enhancing its water-solubility and functional properties.

Basic Properties of CMC:

Water Solubility:

CMC is highly water-soluble, forming clear and viscous solutions when mixed with water. This property makes it valuable in various formulations, especially in industries where water-based systems are prevalent.

Thickening Agent:

CMC acts as an effective thickening agent, contributing to the viscosity of solutions. This property is beneficial in applications such as food products, paints, and pharmaceuticals.

Stabilizer and Emulsifier:

CMC serves as a stabilizing agent in emulsions and suspensions. Its ability to prevent phase separation enhances the stability of various formulations, including salad dressings, beverages, and pharmaceutical suspensions.


CMC exhibits film-forming capabilities, making it suitable for applications where a protective coating or film is desired. This property finds use in industries such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

Rheology Modifier:

CMC influences the flow behavior (rheology) of fluids, enhancing their texture and consistency.This property is valuable in products like personal care items, where a specific texture is desired.

pH Stability:

CMC demonstrates stability over a wide range of pH values, allowing its use in formulations with varying acidity or alkalinity.

Common Uses of CMC:

Food Industry:

CMC is widely employed in the food industry as a thickening and stabilizing agent. It is found in products like ice creams, sauces, dressings, and bakery items, contributing to texture and shelf stability.


In pharmaceutical formulations, CMC is used in tablet coatings, suspensions, and ointments.Its film-forming and thickening properties play a crucial role in drug delivery systems.

Cosmetics and Personal Care:

CMC is a common ingredient in cosmetic and personal care products, including creams, lotions, and shampoos. It contributes to the texture, stability, and viscosity of these formulations.

Paints and Coatings:

CMC is utilized in the formulation of water-based paints and coatings as a thickening agent, preventing sagging and improving application properties.

Detergents and Cleaning Products:

CMC is found in detergents and cleaning products, contributing to their thickening and stabilizing properties.

Oil Drilling:

CMC is used in the oil drilling industry as a fluid loss control additive, contributing to the stability of drilling fluids.


In textiles, CMC is applied as a sizing agent to improve the properties of yarns and fabrics.

Paper Industry:

CMC is used in the paper industry as a paper coating agent and as an additive to enhance the paper's strength and retention of fillers.

Carboxymethyl Cellulose's versatility and ability to modify the properties of various formulations make it a valuable ingredient in a broad range of industries, contributing to the performance and quality of diverse products.
