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MHEC Powder


Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (MHEC) is a type of cellulose ether and is often used in various industries for its thickening, stabilizing, and water-retention properties. MHEC is derived from cellulose through a series of chemical modifications, involving the introduction of methyl and hydroxyethyl groups onto the cellulose backbone.

Here are some key aspects of MHEC powder:

Chemical Structure:

MHEC is a modified cellulose ether with a structure that includes both methyl and hydroxyethyl groups.The degree of substitution (DS) for both methyl and hydroxyethyl groups can vary, affecting the overall properties of the MHEC.

Water Solubility:

MHEC is water-soluble, and it forms a clear solution when dispersed in water. This solubility is advantageous for its use in various applications where water-based formulations are required.

Thickening Agent:

MHEC acts as a thickening agent in a variety of applications such as paints, adhesives, and construction materials. It increases the viscosity of the formulations, providing better stability and control over the flow properties of the final product.

Improved Workability:

In construction materials like tile adhesives, cement-based mortars, and self-leveling compounds, MHEC enhances workability. It contributes to the ease of application and provides the desired consistency for the material.

Water Retention:

MHEC is known for its water retention properties. In construction applications, MHEC helps to retain water in the formulation, preventing premature drying and ensuring sufficient time for proper application.

Enhanced Adhesion:

MHEC improves adhesion in various formulations, promoting better bonding between materials. This is particularly important in construction materials, where strong adhesion is crucial for performance and durability.


MHEC acts as a stabilizer in emulsion-based products such as paints and coatings. It helps maintain the stability and consistency of the formulation, preventing phase separation.

Film-Forming Properties:

MHEC can contribute to the formation of a thin film on surfaces, enhancing the durability and protective properties of coatings and adhesives.


MHEC is generally compatible with other ingredients and additives used in various formulations.This makes it a versatile choice for applications where multiple components need to work together seamlessly.

Construction Industry:

In the construction industry, MHEC is commonly used in tile adhesives, grouts, cement mortars, and self-leveling compounds to improve workability, adhesion, and overall performance.

Paints and Coatings:

MHEC is employed in water-based paints and coatings to modify viscosity, improve stability, and enhance the overall quality of the finished product.

As with any chemical additive, the specific application and dosage of MHEC depend on the requirements of the formulation and the desired properties of the end product. It's important to follow recommended guidelines and conduct compatibility tests to optimize performance.
